Rue Jenatzy - Jenatzystraat
"When you first arrive in a new city, nothing makes sense. Everything's
unknown, virgin... After you've lived here, walked these streets, you'll
know them inside out. You'll know these people. Once you've lived here,
crossed this street 10, 20, 1000 times... it'll belong to you because
you've lived there. That was about to happen to me, but I didn't know it
"Urquinaona, which sounded Sioux, was added to the list of once
bizarre-sounding names tucked into my brain. Urquinaona slipped in next
to Honolulu, Punxsutawney, Piccadilly, Massachusetts, Saskatoon and
Machu Picchu. It became normal and familiar."
(L'auberge Espagnole)
Csúúúcs bejegyzés. Jó a kép, jó a szöveg ;)
VálaszTörlésA film megtekintését javaslom mindenkinek, aki még nem látta volna. Én imádom a hangulatát, de leginkább a fenti gondolatokat, életérzést.